Re: a small document about XML Schema <sequence> vs <all> constructs

On 27 July 2016 at 19:29, David Ezell <> wrote:

> Normally this leads to a puzzled look – why use <all/> then?
> * “Use <all/> when the order that the elements appear has some >semantic<
> meaning – some value-add.”

This point looks correct to me at an abstract level (i.e conceptually). I
like the term 'some value-add', and I do agree to this terminology. But,
isn't imposing only one order on XML elements to be validated with
<sequence>, hasn't got a semantic meaning? I think it does.

> At some point <all/> was arguably more computationally expensive than
> <sequence/> - not sure about that any more –

This is true. I think, as the number of XML elements (which are sibling to
each order) grow more, this point is even truer I think. But it would also
depend on the implementation strategies used by the XML Schema processor.


Mukul Gandhi

Received on Thursday, 28 July 2016 04:50:26 UTC