Re: What is this simpleType's "base" type?

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Costello, Roger L. <> wrote:
> In my LotteryNumbers example, would it be appropriate to say that the OneToNintyNine simpleType is the "parent" simpleType of LotteryNumbers?

No it isn't. I believe, the terminology "parent" and "base" type
should be considered same.

The type definition you're mentioning is,

<xsd:simpleType name="LotteryNumbers">
               <xsd:list itemType="OneToNinetyNine"/>
           <xsd:length value="6"/>

The parent type (and it is simpleType in this case) of type
LotteryNumbers is the anonymous list type. The simpleType
OneToNinetyNine is the item type of this list (type).

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Saturday, 18 June 2011 16:14:15 UTC