Andy Davidson
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Costello, Roger L.
- Tight or Loose Data Constraints?
- RE: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
- RE: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
- RE: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
- Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
G. Ken Holman
George Francis
John Madden
Kevin Braun
Liam R E Quin
- RE: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
- RE: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
Michael Glavassevich
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
Michael Kay
- Re: Tight or Loose Data Constraints?
- Re: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- Re: XSD for 'at least one of'
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- Re: trouble creating javax.xml.validation.Validator from locally cached version of XMLSchema.xsd
- Re: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?
- Re: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?