Re: trouble with content models

On 15/12/2010 03:43, Andy Davidson wrote:
> Hi
> its been a while since I worked with XML Schema. I am not sure I am 
> posting to the correct group. I want to define a content model (a | b 
> | (a &b))
> Any idea how I can do this?
You could do that using xs:all. However, your code suggests that you are 
actually trying to define (ab | cd | abcd) which can't be tackled that 
way, though it can be done easily enough as (((ab)? cd) | cd).

When I see content models like this, I'm always inclined to ask why? I 
can see an argument for a very strict order of children, or for a very 
liberal order, I find it harder to see how a requirement arises for 
something in between.

Michael Kay

> I have tried various version of the following I keep getting the 
> following validation error from Eclipse on my 
> POSTransactionLineItemDiscount type
> cos-nonambig: discountAmount and discountAmount (or elements from 
> their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". 
> During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for 
> those two particles.
> <groupname="POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByAmount"id="POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByAmount">
> <sequence>
> <elementname="discountAmount"type="decimal"minOccurs="0"/>
> <elementname="discountAmountReasonCode"type="string"minOccurs="0"/>
> </sequence>
> </group>
> <groupname="POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByPercent">
> <sequence>
> <elementname="discountPercentage"type="decimal"minOccurs="0"/>
> <elementname="discountPercentageReasonCode"type="string"minOccurs="0"/>
> </sequence>
> </group>
> <groupname="POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByAmountAndPercent">
> <sequence>
> <elementname="discountAmount"type="decimal"minOccurs="0"/>
> <elementname="discountAmountReasonCode"type="string"minOccurs="0"/>
> <elementname="discountPercentage"type="decimal"minOccurs="0"/>
> <elementname="discountPercentageReasonCode"type="string"minOccurs="0"/>
> </sequence>
> </group>
> <complexTypename="POSTransactionLineItemDiscount">
> <sequence>
> <choice>
> <groupref="pos:POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByAmountAndPercent"/>
> <groupref="pos:POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByAmount"/>
> <groupref="pos:POSTransactionLineItemDiscountByPercent"/>
> </choice>
> </sequence>
> </complexType>
> I guess I could define a complex base type, and have three extensions 
> to cover the 3 possible content valid content models. How ever this 
> would require me to rework some legacy java applications
> thanks
> Andy

Received on Wednesday, 15 December 2010 09:23:56 UTC