restriction against base type (choice - elt)

According to specification the following schema is invalid since according
to the table in 
it is given that the case "choice (Derived particle) to element(Base
Particle) is Forbidden"
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="head"/>
<xs:element name="m1" substitutionGroup="head"/>
<xs:element name="m2" substitutionGroup="head"/>
<xs:complexType name="base">
  <xs:element ref="head"/>
<xs:complexType name="derived">
  <xs:restriction base="base">
             <xs:element ref="m1"/>
             <xs:element ref="m2"/>

Can anybody please tell me whether the above schema is valid or invalid
against the schema spec.
Thanks and Regards,

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 05:34:38 UTC