Re: XML Schema and EBNF

----- Original Message From: "Suresh Joshee" <>

> Hello All,
> Is there any formal langauge to describe W3C XML Schema. I am looking sort
> of BNF rules to describe Schema language.

Not really.  XML itself is defined in a BNF like syntax, and XML schema is
an example of XML.

Your question prompts me to ask why you want such a definition?  If you
could share that it might be possible to suggest a suitable approach.
Information on the language you want to use and the platform you want to run
it on would also be helpful.  For example, if you want to check XML schemas
via code generated using Yacc and lex, it's probably not the best approach.


Pete Cordell
For XML C++ data binding visit

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2008 15:21:42 UTC