Re: XML schema help for an XML document

I think, this is not possible in the current XSD language.

Though as a workaround, you can consider treating the attributes in
question as elements. Then you can use xs:choice instruction to get
the behaviour you are asking for.

for e.g., as following:

<xs:element name="Menuitem">
      <xs:element name="ApplicationPath" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="ID" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" />
    <xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string" />

I am not sure, if XML Schema language 1.1 will allow the provision you
are asking for.

On 4/28/08, Manikandan Thangavelu <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Any updates on this question? I am in a kind of urgency and i am new bie to
> XML schema.
> Any help will be very much appreciated.
> Thanks and Regards
> Manikandan

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 16:26:56 UTC