RE: XML schema help for an XML document

Hi All,
Any updates on this question? I am in a kind of urgency and i am new bie
to XML schema.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
Thanks and Regards


From: []
On Behalf Of Manikandan Thangavelu
Sent: 27 April 2008 21:33
Subject: XML schema help for an XML document

From:   Manikandan Thangavelu  
Sent:   27 April 2008 21:27 
To:     '' 
Subject:        XML schema help for an XML document 

Hi All, 

I am trying to develop an XML schema for an XML file which is used to
build the UI for an application. 
I have an issue in it.In one of my XML tags there are two attributes out
of which one is mandatory and presence of both are mutually exclusive.If
one of those attibbute is present, then the other should not.Follwing is
the sample of my XML

    <Menuitem name="_Contents" ID= "ID_CONTENTS" Description="Help
Contents." /> 
    <Menuitem name="_Index" ID= "ID_INDEX" Description="Help Index." /> 
    <Menuitem name="_Search" ID= "ID_SEARCH" Description="Help Search."
    <Menuitem name="_About Me" ID= "ID_ABOUT_Me" Description="VeriCentre
version information and Add-on(s) installed." />

    <Menuitem name="_Notepad" ApplicationPath="C:\Windows\notepad.exe"
Description="Opens the notepad application."/> 
    <Menuitem name="Adobe" ApplicationPath="C:\Program
Files\Adobe\Adobe.exe" Description="Open Adobe"/> 

Among the attributes for Menuitem either "ID" or "ApplicationPath" is
mandatory.If "ID" is there, then "ApplicationPath" should not be and if
"ApplicationPath" is there, then "ID" should not be.

How can I develop a schema for this case? 

Thanks in Advance, 

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 15:39:10 UTC