RE: Full Schema Sample

I doubt you'll find one schema that exercises all the possibilities (it
probably can't be done), but there is an extensive test suite for XML schema

Unfortunately most of the schema documents are rather trivially small, but
if you can handle these then you can probably handle most things.

Michael Kay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mansour Al Akeel
> Sent: 28 April 2008 02:43
> To:
> Subject: Full Schema Sample 
> I am looking for any schema that has a set of all the 
> possible tags and attrributes with all combination. I need to 
> use this for testing purposes or an xsl transformation. I 
> know there's a sample for "purchase order" but that is not 
> even close to perfect. It's missing a lot of tags (ie, 
> choise, all, ....) and another possible combination. Does 
> anyone know where I can find this perfect Schema.

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 02:09:46 UTC