Re: SimpleType as valid derivation of abstract type in 1.1 ?

On 7 Mar 2007, at 17:28 , Guillaume Lebleu wrote:

> With XSD 1.0, I cannot have a simpleType deriving from an abstract  
> type (since an abstract type has to be a complexType).
> Will this capability be available in 1.1 ?

Well, it's not present in the current working drafts of
either the Datatypes or the Structures part of XSD 1.1.

Of course, things can change as issues are resolved.  But
there is no open issue in Bugzilla requesting abstract
simple types, so at the moment I think it's fair to say that
it seems unlikely.

There have been suggestions of this kind in the past, but
the WG spent a lot of time trying to work out the kinks for
a proposal for abstract simple types, while 1.0 was being
developed, and the upshot was that we failed.  Any WG
member who remembers that work is likely to be very wary
about going anywhere near the topic again.

Still, XSD 1.1 is not yet finished.  So if you think it would
be a good idea, by all means file a comment suggesting it;
the best way to do that is to add a Bugzilla issue for
XSD 1.1 by going to and
opening a bug against the 'product' XML Schema, version 1.1.

Since the Datatypes spec has already gone to Last Call, and
the topic has a difficult history within the WG, a proposal
to allow abstract simple types is likely to meet with a lot
of skepticism.  So if you do suggest it, be prepared to work
hard to persuade people that it's important and useful and
technically feasible.

Why do you want abstract simple types?

--C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Thursday, 8 March 2007 17:24:07 UTC