xs:unique question


I have defined the following complex type with a unique:

<xs:complexType name="root">
  <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:element name="daten" nillable="true">
     <xs:element name="preiszeile">
	<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
	<xs:element name="zweig" type="xs:integer"/>
	<xs:element name="herkunft" type="xs:integer"/>
	<xs:element name="anzahlen" type="xs:string"/>
 <xs:unique name="uniquepreis">
  <xs:selector xpath="preiszeile"/>
  <xs:field xpath="zweig"/>
  <xs:field xpath="herkunft"/>

example for a xml file:

I want a unique key over all zweig + herkunft elements.
Therefore I used xs:unique but it don't work...

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Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 14:24:38 UTC