Re: References to a value of an element in another element?

Pete Cordell writes:

> Original Message From: <noah_mendelsohn@>
> > So, I don't think there's one answer that's clearly the right one for
> > everyone:  you can make good cases both for and against full XPath 
> > limited subset, or some sort of variability.  A related debate has to 
> > with whether evaluation should be type-aware.
> I'm not so worried about a subset, as long as it's OK to plug a fully 
> featured implementation into an application.

The WG hasn't yet issued a public working draft covering this area, but I 
think it's quite likely that the solution proposed will have the 
characteristics you are suggesting it should.
> What I don't like is where a superset is defined, as found in schema 
> expressions with character class subtraction (even if it is a nice 
> feature!).
> Hopefully this can be avoided.

I'm not aware of any plan to superset XPath 2.0 in conjunction with new 
features of Schema 1.1.


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

"Pete Cordell" <>
02/07/2007 08:13 AM
        To:     <>
        cc:     <>
        Subject:        Re: References to a value of an element in another 

Original Message From: <noah_mendelsohn@>

> So, I don't think there's one answer that's clearly the right one for
> everyone:  you can make good cases both for and against full XPath 2.0,
> limited subset, or some sort of variability.  A related debate has to do
> with whether evaluation should be type-aware.

I'm not so worried about a subset, as long as it's OK to plug a fully 
featured implementation into an application.

What I don't like is where a superset is defined, as found in schema 
expressions with character class subtraction (even if it is a nice 

Hopefully this can be avoided.

Pete Cordell
Tech-Know-Ware Ltd
for XML to C++ data binding visit

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2007 13:58:27 UTC