XSD modelling question

I need to define the Key constraint that consist of
{@id, @name, sg/name} for the below xml instance-

     <owner id="a" name="b">  <!-- part of sgKey -->
 	  <name>sg1</name> <!-- part of sgKey -->
        <sg> <name>sg2</name> <description/> </sg>
        <sg> <name>sg6</name> <description/> </sg>
        <!-- unbounded list of 'sg' elements -->
     <!-- unbounded list of 'owner' elements -->

Let's say, I define this sgKey at 'sgs' element scope
   Selector= owner

But this would be an invalid Key definition because
there will be Multiple 'sg/name' children for a given
'owner'. How would I define the Key in this situation.

Thanks for the tip.

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Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 19:14:30 UTC