Re: Include/Import and namespace

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for this anwser.

That is effectivly a way to solve the problem.. But of course, there are more than a single "root" schema.
There is a need to factorize declarations in sub-modules (ops-exch, ops-shared). In the project, there are 19 root schemas
using 26 sub-schemas (directly or indirectly included).  Then, if a resolve this by writting 19 compiled root
schemas, it breaks the modularity and lead risks of errors for evolutions.

Finally, if I can't found an other bypass, I need to develop a transformation to build compiled schemas from
the reference set of modular schemas.


Bruno Chatel
Tel : (+33) (0)4 96 11 14 57

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oancea Adrian" <>
To: "Bruno Chatel" <>; <>
Cc: "Bruno Chatel" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: Include/Import and namespace

> For the question 1) :
> Yes, it's possible. You must move the content of all included files in the parent file (recursively). Finally, you will have only
imported files.
> I give as example the basic situation: Parent.xsd includes Child.xsd.
> Copy all the content between <xs:schema> and </xs:schema> from Child.xsd into Parent.xsd, imediatly after <xs:schema> declaration.
Copy all the declarations of namespaces that appear in Child.xsd and doesn't appear in Parent.xsd, in <xs:schema ..... >. And remove
of course <xs:include>.
> Regards,
> Adrian Oancea
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> For the question 1) :<br>Yes, it's possible. You must move the content of all included files in the parent file (recursively).
Finally, you will have only imported files.<br><br>I give as example the basic situation: Parent.xsd includes Child.xsd.<br><br>Copy
all the content between &lt;xs:schema&gt; and &lt;/xs:schema&gt; from Child.xsd into Parent.xsd, imediatly after &lt;xs:schema&gt;
declaration. Copy all the declarations of namespaces that appear in Child.xsd and doesn't appear in Parent.xsd, in &lt;xs:schema
..... &gt;. And remove of course &lt;xs:include&gt;.<br><br><br>Regards,<br>Adrian
Oancea<p>&#32;__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
protection around <br>
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Received on Friday, 2 June 2006 08:07:02 UTC