Re: xhtml.xsd error?

Thanks Michael !

All right, this make sense, but the original Regular Expression 
"[-+]?(\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?%)" doesn't match values like "100.5%".

At we can read:
"|A|B|, where A and B can be arbitrary REs, creates a regular expression 
that will match either A or B. An arbitrary number of REs can be 
separated by the "|" in this way. This can be used inside groups (see 
below) as well. As the target string is scanned, REs separated by "|" 
are tried from left to right. When one pattern completely matches, that 
branch is accepted. This means that once |A| matches, |B| will not be 
tested further, even if it would produce a longer overall match. In 
other words, the "|" operator is never greedy."

So, the original expression match the substring "100" first and stop.

An alternative could be: "[-+]?(\d+(\.\d+)?%|\d+)"
This recognize:


But also recognize strings like "1000000000.3332%" ... this is correct, 
but weird.

Luís Fernando Heckler

Michael Kay escreveu:
> This picture allows a decimal point only if there is a "%", which seems
> reasonable, because you can't have a fractional number of pixels.
> Michael Kay
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Luis 
>> Fernando Heckler
>> Sent: 02 August 2006 20:01
>> To:
>> Subject: xhtml.xsd error?
>> Hi,
>> I'm using the w3c xhtml.xsd to validate my xhtml document, 
>> but I found something wrong:
>> In the simpleType definition named Length (line 203), used to 
>> validate de type of attributes width and heigth of table 
>> element for example, we have a pattern to validate the type, 
>> but this pattern doesn't match witch all the expected formats (AFAIK).
>> Length  say's:
>> "Length - The value may be either in pixels or a percentage 
>> of the available horizontal or vertical space. Thus, the 
>> value "50%" means half of the available space."
>> The documentation comment in the xsd say's:
>> "nn for pixels or nn% for percentage length"
>> So, I thing that expected values are:
>> 100
>> 100.0
>> 100%
>> 100.0%
>> +100
>> +100.0
>> +100%
>> +100.0%
>> -100
>> -100.0
>> -100%
>> -100.0%
>> But the original pattern "[-+]?(\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?%)" don't 
>> match all this length formats.
>> I change to "[-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?%?"
>> This is a error in original w3c xhtml.xsd or I'm wrong about 
>> the expected length formats?
>> Best wishes
>> Luis Fernando Heckler

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 13:09:49 UTC