error msg:Reference is not allowed in prolog

Hi All !!

My sincere apologies , if i am not posting to the relevant mailing list .. I am using Orbeon X-forms and  my problem is related to prolog .I have an xhtml file, which submits the xml instance to a jsp page.This jsp, i have deployed on tomcat server.I can see the submitted xml instance on tomcat server console. It appears like this :( on tomcat server console )

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><user xmlns:xhtml="
xhtml" xmlns:f="" xmlns:xxforms="http://orbe" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ev="htt
p://" xmlns:xforms="">

 The problem arises, when i try to view the same on my jsp page, i receive an error msg as :
"Reference is not allowed in prolog"

I am not finding any clues for debugging . Can anyone plz suggest me the probable reason for this error msg.??

Thanks in advance !!


Garima Singh

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 10:50:42 UTC