schema design for one element, multiple types


I'm trying to define a schema that will support the following:

1    <some_xml>
2        <foo>some_value</foo>
3        <foo>
4            <bar>another_value</bar>
5        <foo>
6        <foo>third_value</foo>
7    </some_xml>

Now, I know how to defined the schema for each case:
     For 2 & 6:
         <xsd:complexType name="foo1">
                 <xsd:extension type="xsd:string"/>

	For 3 - 5:
         <xsd:complexType name="foo2">
                 <xsd:element name="bar" type="xsd:string"/>

But how would I defined a schema to encompass both?


Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2005 05:26:01 UTC