Tools for XML Schema Tools page


I'd like to submit two additional tools for the XML Schema tools page: 

Altova XMLSpy 

Altova XMLSpy is a complete XML IDE that includes a graphical XML Schema
editor with support for designing, generating, converting, documenting,
validating, and viewing XML Schemas. XMLSpy also supports
schema-awareness in its XSLT 2.0 and XQuery engines, and Java/C++/C#
code generation based on data elements defined in an XML Schema. A free
trail download is available at 

Altova SchemaAgent

Altova SchemaAgent is a graphical client/server schema administration
tool for visualizing, modeling, and managing advanced XML Schemas in
workgroups. It allows you to view your schemas as a pool of resources
and manage them in a visual manner. A free trail download is available

Thank you for posting this information!

Best regards,
Erin Cavanaugh

.... Erin Cavanaugh
.... Product Marketing 
.... Altova, Inc.

Altova(r)  accelerates  application development  and  data management
projects with software,  services and  solutions  that enhance pro-
ductivity and maximize results. Uncover why Altova is the choice of
over 2 million developers worldwide! Look into today
XML Suite:  XMLSpy  MapForce StyleVision  SemanticWorks SchemaAgent
Developer Tools: UModel DiffDog  FREE: Authentic,  AltovaXML engine
NEW in v2006:  Advanced standards compliance,  XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0,
XQuery 1.0,  Legacy text file parsing, Web Services implementation,
Semantic Web,  RDF / OWL editor,  VS.Net 2005 & Eclipse 3.1 support

Altova,  XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, SemanticWorks, SchemaAgent,
UModel,  DiffDog,  ACXE,  AltovaXML,  and Authentic  are trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of Altova GmbH in the United States of
America, the European Union, and numerous other countries.
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Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2005 03:19:27 UTC