SV: rules for handling document elements not in the target namesp ace?

I guess my earlier email must not have been clear, or at least I hope it was
lack of clarity and not just a question so stupid as to be unanswerable
without emotional pain, so here is a second attempt:

given the following schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
	<element name="EmailAddressIdentifier"
	<simpleType name="EmailAddressIdentifierType">
		<restriction base="token">

and the following instance

<doc xmlns:xkom=""


is that instance valid?

I thought it should be, according to XSV and msxml's SchemaCache it is okay,
XSV in this case defaults to a lax processing, a coworker says he remembers
this being optional according to the spec. Can anybody reference me to the
part where this is defined as optional, or if not where it is explicitly
allowed or disallowed?

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Bryan Rasmussen 
Sendt: 31. marts 2005 16:00
Til: ''
Emne: rules for handling document elements not in the target namespace?

Hi, I have a schema in namespace X that validates one global element, in
order to test that element I went ahead and put various versions of the
element in a document with a document element in a different namespace, most
processors reacted fine with that and told me that my proper examples were
correct and my bad examples were incorrect. 
XMLSPY however got upset that the document element was not validated in my

as a second test I then created an instance consisting only of a document
element not in the target namespace of the schema which XMLSPY also reported
as being invalid because of the document element not being validated by the

A co-worker said that this was because doing so was optional by the spec, by
my memory this was not one of the optional sections. I've looked but of
course the spec is rather large, can someone point me to the optional part
of the spec on this matter or give me some backup on its not being optional
if indeed it isn't. 

Received on Monday, 4 April 2005 11:03:43 UTC