Re: Empty complexType with "mixed" attribute

Jochen Wiedmann <> writes:

>      <complexType mixed="true">
>         <attribute name="test" type="xs:string"/>
>      </complexType>
> We are currently discussing, how to evaluate this, with two possible
> solutions:
>      - Take it as it is, a complex type with complex content and
>        XsContentType "mixed".

This is correct.

>      - Take it as a complex type with simple content and base xs:string.

This will cause trouble, as it cannot be extended as follows (call
your type above 'base':

 <complexType mixed="true">
   <extension base="base">
      <element ref="elt"/>

but this is in fact OK.

 Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
                     Half-time member of W3C Team
    2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
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Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 14:08:35 UTC