RE: Empty complexType with "mixed" attribute

Here's one difference: in XQuery, the typed value of this node should be
xdt:untypedAtomic, whereas a complex type with simple content and base
xs:string has a typed value of xs:string.

Michael Kay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jochen Wiedmann
> Sent: 13 September 2004 13:16
> To:
> Cc: Mik Lernout
> Subject: Empty complexType with "mixed" attribute
> Hi,
> suggest the following type definition:
>      <complexType mixed="true">
>         <attribute name="test" type="xs:string"/>
>      </complexType>
> We are currently discussing, how to evaluate this, with two possible 
> solutions:
>      - Take it as it is, a complex type with complex content and
>        XsContentType "mixed".
>      - Take it as a complex type with simple content and base 
> xs:string.
> Would the simple content approach be permissive or are there 
> any subtle 
> differences?
> Regards,
> Jochen

Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 13:33:49 UTC