'Re: "Re: xs:include changing targetNamespace"'


ht@inf.ed.ac.uk wrote:
> No.  That would leave all internal references undischarged.  It is
> equivalent to constructing a schema for the included document, then
> replacing ·absent· with the relevant TNS everywhere in the components
> thereof called for in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
> Note it is because of chameleon include that a list of schema
> documents is _not_ sufficient to determine a schema -- you need a
> labelled directed graph, with the labels being the TNS.

Does this mean as well, that if a schema document (A) with an existing 
target namespace includes a schema document (B) with no target 
namespace, which, in turn, includes a schema document (C), the target 
namespace of (B) will still be 'absent' when the constraints for 
including of (C) are applied? IOW, does this chameleon-effect touch the 
first level of includes only?



Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2004 09:04:11 UTC