RE: xs:include changing targetNamespace

> In a schema with no target namespace and no default 
> namespace, the schema
> component created by a local element declaration <xs:element 
> name="A"/> is
> identical whether form is qualified or unqualified. The rules 
> suggest that I
> need to distinguish the two cases, yet the schema components are
> indistinguishable.

To follow up on this, running the test attgD035 in the Microsoft part of the
test suite, this contains an attribute declaration

<xsd:attribute name="att" type="xsd:int" fixed="37"/>

and MSXML, XSV, and Xerces are uniformly interpreting this as being an
attribute in no namespace, not an attribute in the target namespace of the
including schema document. But if you add form="qualified" to the attribute
declaration, they are interpreting it as being in the target namespace of
the including schema. Therefore, this appears to be an operation that does
not work solely on the schema components, it relies on the original XML

Now to discover how they handle ref="" attributes. Empiricism rules.

Michael Kay

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2004 14:09:25 UTC