Uniqueness and case sensitivity

Given the following XML segment:

    <foo id="1490" name="myName"/>
    <foo id="9091" name="myNAME"/>

shouldn't a uniqueness constraint:

    <xsd:element name="foos">
        <xsd:element name="foo" type="foo_type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:unique name="name_id">
        <xsd:selector xpath="foo"/>
        <xsd:field xpath="@name"/>

throw an error?  According to XML Schema Part 1: Structures:

4.1 *If *the {identity-constraint category} 
is /unique/, *then *no two members of the ·qualified node set· 
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-1-20010502/#key-qns> have 
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-1-20010502/#key-ks> whose 
members are pairwise equal, as defined by Equal 
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/datatypes#equal> in 
[XML Schemas: Datatypes] 

where Equal is:

        4.2.1 equal

Every ·value space· 
supports the notion of equality, with the following rules:

    * for any /a/ and /b/ in the ·value space·
      either /a/ is equal to /b/, denoted /a = b/, or /a/ is not equal
      to /b/, denoted /a != b/
    * there is no pair /a/ and /b/ from the ·value space·
      such that both /a = b/ and /a != b/
    * for all /a/ in the ·value space·
      /a = a/
    * for any /a/ and /b/ in the ·value space·
      /a = b/ if and only if /b = a/
    * for any /a/, /b/ and /c/ in the ·value space·
      if /a = b/ and /b = c/, then /a = c/
    * for any /a/ and /b/ in the ·value space·
      if /a = b/, then /a/ and /b/ cannot be distinguished (i.e.,
      equality is identity)

Shouldn't unique be case-sensitive?

Jeff Dahl

Received on Friday, 9 April 2004 17:58:32 UTC