Redefine question

Sorry to bother the list but I have a question about redefine which may
sound strange but I am using xml spy and I am not sure whether it is my
error in my understanding of redefine or an issue with xmlspy.


I am redefining an attribute group in my 'top level schema' i.e. the one
that aggregates/references all the other individual schemas. The actual
definition of the attribute group occurs in a schema which is in itself
imported into the schema which I am redefining (if you see what I mean).


I would expect that all elements in an xml instance which reference this
attribute group to be bound by the restrictions imposed by the redefinition,
wherever their specific definition occurs within all/any the referenced
schemas. XML spy appears to choose which attribute group definition it uses
based on whether the element is defined in the top level schema (in which
case the redefined attribute group is used), or whether it is defined in a
referenced schema (in which case the original definition is used). I cannot
imagine that this is the mandated behaviour for redefine but I thought that
I had better check.




Rob Tice




Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 03:36:04 UTC