Re: block, blockDefault


Thank you very much for your reply, this is very useful.
See my question below please.

> > Let's say schema A states blockDefault="#all". In schema B , which
> > imports schema A, I can create types derived from the complex types
> > exposed by this schema.  I am wondering what is the use of these

> Basically, block controls what can occur in instances when a given
> type defn is named in an element or attr decl.  If you derive your
> own types from a block='#all' type defn, you are free to use those
> derived types in your _own_ element and attr decls, you just can't use
> them in an xsi:type on, or an element substituted for, an element
> declared with the original type defn.

Can I use the derived type as the type of an element which is a restriction
of an element defined in a base type derived by restriction?

Alain Andrieux
The Globus Project
University of Southern California - Information Sciences Institute

Received on Saturday, 23 August 2003 04:20:14 UTC