ANN: Syntext Dtd2Xs v1.3 - Complex&Modularized XML DTD to XML Schema Converter

    Syntext Dtd2Xs v1.3 (Win32/Linux)

Changes from last release:
Bug fixes:
    - Multiple ATTLISTS for the same element now handled correctly.
    - When generating <xs:import namespace="XX">, XX is now namespace URI,
      not a prefix (was a remnant from old version of Schema specifications).


Dtd2Xs allows to convert complex, modularized XML DTDs and DTDs with
namespaces to XML Schemas. As an example of Dtd2Xs conversion check
out DocBook XML Schema generated from XML DocBook DTD V4.2, and XSL-FO
Schema generated from XSL-FO DTD.

Product Info URL:

Received on Saturday, 23 August 2003 00:52:09 UTC