ANNOUNCEMENT: XML Schema tool available for developers

We are pleased to announce the availability of a cross-platform tool for
the XML Schema development community: <oXygen/> XML Editor is available

<oXygen/> XML editor supports XML, XSL, TXT, XSD and DTD documents. It
offers a powerful code insight that guides the user to write valid XML
content. The code insight can follow a DTD or an XML Schema or even can
learn the structure from a partial edited document, allowing the rest of
the document to be created faster. An important thing is manipulating
XML content and XSLT is the normal way to do this. XML and XSL documents
can be easily associated one with the other. An XPath console is present
to assist the user in testing the results of XPath expressions.
<oXygen/> validates XML, XSL and XSD content, reporting errors with
description and line number information. Includes the Apache FO
Processor, being able to generate PDF and PostScript. Other FO
processors can be easily configured. The main features added in 2.0
version are tree view/edit support, spell checking and XML catalog support.

Please list our program at the W3C website

More details at

Received on Tuesday, 29 April 2003 02:15:26 UTC