Re: how to redefine a content model


>Group redefinition isn't supported in XSV yet, sorry.
>In any case, your attempt isn't valid, you need to redefine the group
>_in terms of itself_, i.e.
> <xs:redefine schemaLocation="schema1.xsd">
>  <xs:group name="testGroup">
>   <xs:choice>
>    <xs:groupref="testGroup"/>
>    <xs:element name="b"/>
>   </xs:choice>
>  </xs:group>
> </xs:redefine>
>*But*, having said that, don't use redefine at all, use substitution
>groups.  That's the easy way to allow _post-hoc_ additions to choices.
True, BUT this also means that all elements included in the choice must 
be declared as global elements. This may not be a desirable side effect 
in the design of the schema.



Received on Monday, 4 November 2002 17:41:21 UTC