Re: Inheritance of restriction facets?

Hi Michael,

>I'm sorry to have submitted an invalid schema. But would it have been 
>invalid if I had written the following schema instead?
I'm not sure. My intuition says that this should be invalid but like you 
I couldn't find this in the spec either.


><xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
>  <xsd:simpleType name="foo">
>      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
>        <xsd:enumeration value="A"/>
>        <xsd:enumeration value="AA"/>
>        <xsd:enumeration value="AAA"/>
>      </xsd:restriction>
>  </xsd:simpleType>
>  <xsd:element name="bar">
>    <xsd:simpleType>
>      <xsd:restriction base="foo">
>        <xsd:minLength value="2"/>
>      </xsd:restriction>
>    </xsd:simpleType>
>  </xsd:element>
>XML Spy 4.3 validates this schema but sqc doesn't. It complains that 
><xsd:minLength value="2"/> is not compatible with the enumeration facets
>defined by the ancestors foo, however I can't find out the clause that 
>justifies that in the Recommandation.
>>Hi Michael,
>>>I have a question concerning restriction facets. 
>>>When a derivation by restriction of a simpleType is performed, are 
>>>the facets of the base type inherited by the deriving type?
>>Yes, the facets on the base type are still enforced for the derived 
>>types which makes your example below invalid.
>>>For example, which content do the following schema allow for 
>>bar element?
>>> - A, AA and AAA?
>>> - AA and AAA?
>>> - ...?
>>It will never come to this since the schema below is invalid 
>>and hence 
>>can't be used to validate a document.
>>> <simpleType name="foo">
>>>   <restriction base="string">
>>>     <minLength value="2"/>
>>>   </restriction>
>>> </simpleType>
>>> <element name="bar">
>>>   <simpleType>
>>>     <restriction base="foo">
>>>       <enumeration value="A"/>
>>This is the enumeration value that is invalid. If you remove "A" your 
>>schema is fine.
>>>       <enumeration value="AA"/>
>>>       <enumeration value="AAA"/>
>>>     </restriction>
>>>   </simpleType>
>>> </element>

Received on Sunday, 4 August 2002 21:04:22 UTC