Identity contraint specification, backwards compatibility...


I have a broken uniqueness constraint that used to work with parser
supporting the 20001014 spec.

I am trying to define a uniqueness constraint for the contents of an
element. I had the following schema definition working under parsers that
adhered to the 20001024 spec.

<xsd:element name="object_space" ....>

			<xsd:element name="obj" type="obj" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

	<xsd:unique name="unique_obj_name">
		<xsd:selector xpath="obj"/>
		<xsd:field xpath="name"/>

	<xsd:complexType name="obj">
		<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
			<xsd:element name="name" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xsd:extension base="xsd:string"/>

The above definition allowed in the XML file for the specification of
multiple <name>s for each <obj> as long as the contents of the <name> tag
contents (name_1, name_2, ..., name_n) were unique within the
<object_space>...</object_space> definition:

<object_space ...>

The problem is, with parsers that adhere to later specs (e.g. 20010330) this
no longer works. The schema only allows for 0..1 <name> specifications for
each <obj> tag. The above xml file fails with the message:
   "... the fields XPath selector of the key/unique/keyref identity
constraint 'unique_obj_name' must evaluate to exactly 0 or 1 nodes..."

The following will work though:

<object_space ...>

For the life of me I am unable to figure out what's out of order. I have
checked the specs and I couldn't find anything to indicate this would no
longer be valid...

If anyone has any ideas, please help.

Thanks in advance,
Michael Petres
InnovObjX Corporation
Tel: 905-729-2235 ext.61, Fax:905-729-0754

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2001 05:08:56 UTC