XMLSchema stylesheet 4 U

I have seen several request for an XML Schema stylesheet so schema
can be self documenting.  Since I didn't see any offer up, I built
my own, taking clues from HST's work in xmlspec.xsl (thanks!).

This isn't a complete schema stylesheet.  Many constructs and
legal schema definitions won't produce desired results.  It 
does work for my particular style of schema writing, however.
The HTML output is sufficient for my needs at this time, but
is definitely a matter of taste.

Also, both the schema and the stylesheet are amount my first
efforts in the whole XML/XSLT area, so keep that in mind.  

If you see problems, better ways of doing something, or other
newbieisms I've committed, please let me know!  I can use all
the coaching I can get!

Schema:     http://sloop.ftc.agilent.com/XML/FhReport.xsd
Stylesheet: http://sloop.ftc.agilent.com/XML/FhReport.xsl
Output:     http://sloop.ftc.agilent.com/XML/FhReport.html

One problem is the duplicate StopTime at the bottom of the
HTML output.  The StopTime element appears twice in the group
block, and hence is output twice from the stylesheet.  Not sure
how to solve this in the stylesheet, or how to redo that part of
the schema to differentiate between the two.  Any suggestions would
be most welcome.

Brian Atkins

Brian Atkins          brian_atkins@firehunter.com         (970) 288-2114
Agilent Technologies     4800 Wheaton Drive        Ft. Collins, CO 80525

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 16:48:18 UTC