Re: managing unknown values

> I initially used XML-Spy to validate the document.  And it parsed without a
> problem.
> I have now tested the document using Xerces 1.4.2 and started experiencing
> the same problem as you.
> Out of curiosity, I reversed the order of the foo and bar elements in both
> the schema and instance documents, and the instance parsed without error
> under Xrces 1.4.2.
> I am unable to comment as to why it should fail when the foo element is
> first in the list.
> Maybe one of the Xerces developers or someone that knows the Schema spec
> better can comment.

I wouldn't claim to have expert knowledge of the spec with regards to the
nillable feature but I can't find anything wrong with the schema Stephen
suggested so I believe this is an error in Xerces 1.4.2. Have you tried
upgrading to 1.4.3?


Received on Monday, 10 September 2001 19:38:13 UTC