final and derivation by list or union.

Hi, All, 

I am wondering about the {final} for derivation by list.

Schema Component Constraint: Simple Type Definition Properties Correct (in 3.14.6) says,

4 If the {base type definition} is not the ?simple ur-type definition?, 
  all of the following must be true:
4.2.1 If the {variety} is list, then the {final} of the {base type definition} 
      must not contain list.

Because {base type definition} of the list type is not simple ur-type definition only
when derived by restriction from other list type, the cluase 4 above will match
only such situation.

Does this say I can't derive by restriction from list type which have the {final}
that contains list ?

Or I have some misunderstanding?


Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 04:56:33 UTC