Re: fixed property of the min/max/Inclusive/Exclusive facet

In message "Re: fixed property of the min/max/Inclusive/Exclusive facet",
Eddie Robertsson wrote...
 >> When user derived data type TYPE-A has the minInclusive facet with {fixed}
 >> property as true, can I specify the minExclusive facet to the TYPE-B which
 >> derived from TYPE-A by restriction ?
 >No, I don't belive you can. According to in the Datatype spec:
 >" Constraints on minExclusive Schema Components
 >Schema Component Constraint: minInclusive and minExclusive
 >It is an キerrorキ for both キminInclusiveキ and キminExclusiveキ to be specified
 >for the same datatype. "
 >Since the derived TYPE-B above will contain both minInclusive and
 >minExclusive it will result in an error according to the above rule.

in Constraints on maxExclusive Schema Components, 

"Schema Component Constraint: maxInclusive and maxExclusive 
It is an error for both maxInclusive and maxExclusive to be specified
_in the same derivation step_ of a datatype definition. "

I thought such limitation( = in the same derivation step) will be applyed
to the minExclusive and the minInclusive.

Now I modify the question:

 When user derived data type TYPE-A has the maxInclusive facet with {fixed}
 property as true, can I specify the maxExclusive facet to the TYPE-B which
 derived from TYPE-A by restriction ?


Received on Friday, 25 May 2001 01:28:43 UTC