Re: Semantic of the unique/key/keyref constraints.

Can anyone confirm which is right (my understanding or the primer) ?



Eric van der Vlist wrote:
> Given the definition:
> <xs:element name="foo">
>  ...
>  <xs:unique name="uniqueFoo">
>    <xs:selector xpath="bar"/>
>    <xs:field xpath="id"/>
>  </xs:unique>
> </xs:element>
> my understanding of the rec is that this can be read in plain english as
> "in each element foo, the sub elements bar identified by their id must
> be unique".
> In particular, the following paragraphs of part one:
> "{fields} specifies XPath expressions relative to each element selected
> by a {selector}. This must identify a single node (element or attribute)
> whose content or value, which must be of a simple type, is used in the
> constraint. It is possible to specify an ordered list of {fields}s, to
> cater to multi-field keys, keyrefs, and uniqueness constraints. "
> and
> "For each node in the ·target node set· all of the {fields}, with that
> node as the context node, evaluate to either an empty node-set or a
> node-set with exactly one member, which must have a simple type."
> let me think that each of the fields must identify a unique (or non
> existing) node in the context of each occurrence of a selector.
> If my interpretation is right, isn't it contrary to the example of
> composed key given in the primer:
> <unique name="dummy1">
>  <selector xpath="r:regions/r:zip"/>
>  <field    xpath="@code"/>
>  <field    xpath="r:part/@number"/>
> </unique>
> where the field "r:part/@number" is pointing to 4 different nodes in
> this case:
> <regions>
>  <zip code="95819">
>   <part number="872-AA" quantity="1"/>
>   <part number="926-AA" quantity="1"/>
>   <part number="833-AA" quantity="1"/>
>   <part number="455-BX" quantity="1"/>
>  </zip>
> ...
> Thanks to let me know what I have wrong (or to confirm my
> understanding;) ) !
> Eric
> --
> Pour y voir plus clair dans la nebuleuse XML...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric van der Vlist  
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pour y voir plus clair dans la nebuleuse XML...
Eric van der Vlist   

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 06:09:43 UTC