Re: Would you like XSV to have an offline mode?

On 5 Jan 2001, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> > It would be lovely if XSV could have an offline mode where it would save
> > copies of resources locally and use them when not online.
> >
> > Is this something that others would benefit from?
> >
> > Henry - what do you think about this?
> I'm all in favour of the functionality described.  I wish someone
> would implement a simple universal caching proxy for offline use:  XSV
> uses standard http libraries and is therefore sensitive to the value
> of the http_proxy environment variable.  Were such a proxy available,
> all that would be required would be to first while online launch the
> proxy, set http_proxy to point to it, run XSV on the relevant
> documents, then be free to run offline with the same proxy.  Perhaps
> such a proxy already exists?

Jigsaw (W3C's Java webserver) might do the trick, see Setting up Jigsaw as a proxy.
Jigsaw installation instructions are at (also requires Java)

Unix fans might prefer Squid, eg as used at


Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 12:39:45 UTC