Re: xmlspy: does ##other apply to only subsequent target ns

If I'm doing this correctly (which I'm not sure I am), then this problem [1] 
would be a bug as it's not in the list of features not supported

However, I did find two other bugs that I'm more confident of:
1. The second URL of an xsi:schemaLocation it generates in not a valid URI 
(file://host/path) but a dos path (D:\foo) [2].
2. It treats an entity appearing in a schema's targetNamespace attribute 
value as a literal and instances must use that entity and not the expanded 
URI: xmlns:ds="&dsig;".


At 09:17 2/20/2001 +0000, Francis Norton wrote:
>"Joseph M. Reagle Jr." wrote:
> >
> > I'm playing with XMLSpy and its validator (thought there is a schema
> > question in here), and it objects to the following instance:
> > <KeyInfo>
> >   <KeyRetrievalMethod URI="someKey"
> >    Type=""/>
> > </KeyInfo>
> >
>Unless you're using a later version of XML Spy than 3.5 production, it
>may be worth checking the readme.txt:
>     + the following XML Schema components are not yet fully implemented
>inside the validator core:
>         - unique, key, keyref
>         - redefine
>         - final
>         - use=prohibited
>         - block, nullable, xsi:null
>         - user-defined duration and period facets (the built-in types
>are, however, fully supported)
>(I too discovered this the hard way - from sending in a bug report on

Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2001 13:20:11 UTC