RE: does RDF require understanding all 82 URI schemes?

: Bill de hOra wrote:
: > Untruths and mistruths.

: Seth Russell:
: Yeah sure, like there are such things.   are
: truths and
: untruths a throwback from the epistomic debates of the prior millilenum?

No, they are just ways of influencing an agent. Truth is local. You don't need
to posit absolute truth to influence a computationally bound agent into making a
less than optimal decision. You simply need to lie effectively to it.

:I thought we had stetted that these things just don't
:exist; and that the only
:things we can rely upon are effective procedures.

And isn't the idea that all we can rely on are effective procedures a throwback
to reductionist debates of a prior century? ;)

Bill de hOra

Received on Monday, 12 February 2001 19:56:47 UTC