Resolution of Issue 61

The XML Protocol Working Group decided on 17 April to close issue 61
"External Payload Reference" [1] with a resolution that is based on option
(b) of the proposal [2]. More specifically, the WG decided that a document
describing an Attachments binding feature:
(i) be created by the WG's Transport Binding Task Force (TBTF) during the
Last Call review period as part of their work for the WG
(ii) be published by the WG although not as a normative part of the
specification, and as a document type to be decided. Candidate document
types include text document, W3C Note, Internet Draft, etc.
(iii) claims to be a first draft of an Attachments feature description.
(iv) the description to include the concept of an attachment (e.g. the
relation between an attachment and a SOAP envelope, the processing
obligation of a SOAP processor to an attachment, etc), what an attachment
feature means in the context of our framework, and possibly other topics to
be decided
(v) must not prejudice any particular attachment scheme such as SOAP with
Attachments, DIME, etc.

David Fallside
for the XML Protocol WG.

David C. Fallside, IBM
Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
Int  Ph: 544.9665

Received on Friday, 19 April 2002 13:58:41 UTC