Re: Call the question!

At 08:08 2000 05 23 -0600, Dave Hollander wrote:
> > From: " 
> > Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 13:47:30 -0400 
> > Subject: Call the question! 
> > ...
> > I've suggested the plenary group hold another straw poll, since 
> > concern was expressed about whether people understood what 
> > they were voting on. I don't know if that will occur or not. 
> >
> > I'd suggest they hold a formal vote, but I don't think we've established 
> > whether they have the authority to do so... or whether the outcome 
> > would have any influence on the decision. 
>Personally, I would love to try to end the debate and close the issue.
>But, with prompting from an anonymous source, Tim BL opened this
>discussion. He is working with the Advisor Board to determine how
>to close it.

Not really.  I'm on the AB, and the last we discussed it was
on our May 8 telcon (where we spent 2 hours on it).  The AB
in general felt that TimBL should broaden the discussion
(beyond the XML Plenary, as has been done), and TimBL indicated
that he wanted to recuse himself from determining consensus so
that he could take an active role in the discussion.

We did not discuss who would determine consensus or what would
constitute termination criteria for this discussion, and there
has been no AB discussion since that May 8 telcon.

Personally, I'm a bit concerned myself that I don't know how
this is all supposed to come to a close.


Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2000 17:18:20 UTC