RE: Defaule base URI for files

David Carlisle wrote:
> It "won't matter" what the base URI is for the purposes of constructing
> relative links, because they are all functionally equivalent.
> But for namespace use you have just confirmed that with the absolute
> approach my example has _no_ specified namespace. Different systems are
> allowed to infer different base URI and so produce different absolute
> URI for the namsepace. Even under the absolute approach absolute
> namespace uri are compared as strings not by functional equivalence.

But suppose we define the default base URI of any XML document as the
namespace of the root element, and the default base URI of an element as its
namespace. In this case composition of relative URIs works just fine and
depends only on the contents, not the location of, a document.

Jonathan Borden

Received on Saturday, 20 May 2000 01:00:40 UTC