Re: Are *relative* URIs as namespace nemes considered harmful?

At 02:55 PM 5/16/00 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
>> _Should_ anyone use relative URIs, and should that extra processing be
>> expected of all namespace processors?
>The amount of extra processing is trivial: it's a red herring.  

Extra processing is trivial.  Retrofitting existing code (either direction)
is not.

>we stick to our commitments, or say that they were in error because
>in conflict with our basic vision?

It's not been made clear here what precisely those 'commitments' were, or
what the basic vision is.

Could you (or someone) clarify?


Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Tuesday, 16 May 2000 15:30:07 UTC