Re: Why I moved from Forbid to Literal

At 12:09 2000 06 30 -0700, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen wrote:
>> Given that for example via the xsl document() function, or just using
>> XML 1.0 external entity references, namepace names generated by
>> different applications may need to be compared, the above advice
>> while perhaps sensible advice doesn't have any bearing on the
>> specification of namespace names. Even if the above advice is followed
>> in each document, an xsl engine may still find itself needing to
>> compare two namespace names that differ just by case, and, as currently
>> specified, MUST judge those two namespaces to be different.
>You missed the point completely. This has nothing to do with advice - it
>is a strict requirement on the generator of a document using XML
>namespaces. Trying to turn it into a requirement on the consumer of a
>document that uses XML namespaces makes no sense.

I hear you, but suppose some Evil Generator Tool creates a document
that does not comply to the "strict requirement" you want to put on it.
Then what is my compliant consuming tool supposed to do?

In my understanding, it is precisely the answer to that question that
we are searching for.


Received on Friday, 30 June 2000 15:37:26 UTC