Re: Why I moved from Forbid to Literal

> Given that for example via the xsl document() function, or just using
> XML 1.0 external entity references, namepace names generated by
> different applications may need to be compared, the above advice
> while perhaps sensible advice doesn't have any bearing on the
> specification of namespace names. Even if the above advice is followed
> in each document, an xsl engine may still find itself needing to
> compare two namespace names that differ just by case, and, as currently
> specified, MUST judge those two namespaces to be different.

You missed the point completely. This has nothing to do with advice - it
is a strict requirement on the generator of a document using XML
namespaces. Trying to turn it into a requirement on the consumer of a
document that uses XML namespaces makes no sense.


Received on Friday, 30 June 2000 15:10:26 UTC