Re: 1343 messages later

From: "Simon St.Laurent" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 16:38
> At 04:12 PM 6/13/00 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> >I would summarize [1] as clarified as the abolutization in principle
> >but with it pointed out that in certain cases systems
> >can be demonstrably correct without actually knowing the base URI.
> That's unfortunate, because I summarize it as no absolutization in
> principle, but absolutization as something that can be layered on top
of a
> parser by an application.

Guys - one is talking about "system" and the other is talking about
"layering an application on top of a parser".

These are completely different terminologies - but are they really
inconsistent? Is there really a difference between whether you say that
a "system has to know when to absolutize" or "a parser may not have to
absolutize but an application using it must know when absolutization is
required"? If you look at it as a black box, then the result is the same
and this is in fact what we are after.

So whereas I appreciate Simon's comments about the "genius" of our
proposal, there is by no means any intent to paper over anything.

(sorry for having been quiet - I was caught in various airports
throughout the US because of thunderstorms)


Received on Saturday, 17 June 2000 20:44:12 UTC