Re: 1343 messages later

At 04:12 PM 6/13/00 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>I would summarize [1] as clarified as the abolutization in principle
>but with it pointed out that in certain cases systems
>can be demonstrably correct without actually knowing the base URI.

That's unfortunate, because I summarize it as no absolutization in
principle, but absolutization as something that can be layered on top of a
parser by an application.

>I would find it very acceptable if there were a consensus
>with this proposal (with clarifications in the wording) on this
>list.  I would then suggest we take it back to DOM and
>all the groups which are looking for a way to go forward.

I hope there is consensus, but as I find myself reading [1] with the
clarifications made in [2] and [4], I'm still not sure we're on the same page.

>I would second Al's call for a lull in issues which do not
>pertain to this until we can declare victory on it.

I'm finding those other issues far more interesting than the absolutization
debate, and hope they find a welcome home somewhere, whether or not victory
is declared.

>[1] -
>[2] -
>[4] -

Simon St.Laurent
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Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2000 19:35:49 UTC