Re: RFC 2557 (MHTML) uses byte-equality after absolutizing

At 08:46 PM 6/5/00 -0700, Larry Masinter wrote:
>I don't know why I forgot about this, but check out the algorithm
>in section 8 of RFC 2557 (MHTML) for trying to decide if the
>content-location associated with one body part matches an embedded URI. 
>It even includes a constructed base ("thismessage:/") for otherwise
>unrooted multipart/related messages.

It's encouraging to see that's there has been some flexibility on this last
part - at least there's precedent - but I'm still concerned that the
vocabulary of a document passed through a UNIX pipe is changing...

The rest of it seems like a reasonable approach to comparing URIs for their
purposes, though I'm not completely sure it's an answer to namespace

Oh, I need an aspirin.

Simon St.Laurent
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Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2000 00:15:24 UTC