Minimum required of a system called "Namespaces in XML"

> We are discussing how to fix them.  They are currently inconsistent
> with XPath.

No. Namespaces are not broken, and don't need fixing.

Some people want to build a completely different infrastructure based
on completely different principles, which is fair enough. However they
for some unexplained reason want to call this new concept `xml
namespaces' and obsolete or deprectate the existing xml namespace

It is fortunate for these people that xpath is inconsistent with
namespaces, which gives half an excuse for revoking the current spec.
But even if the decision is taken to bring namespaces into line with
xpath rather than the the other way round, the change should restrict
itself to just changing those documents for which xpath and namespaces
disagree (which is those using a relative uri as namespace name).

This is _not_ an excuse for redesigning xml namespaces from first

So the following facts about namespaces should remain true after any
re-issue of the namespace spec.

* Namespaces are not "defined" they are just used (declared) in
  document instances.

* The namespace name is a URI reference (or URI or URI + fragment id
  if one of the possible, but unfortunate, changes is made).
  The existence or not of a resource at the URI used as the namespace
  name is immaterial to all namespace processing. (Although some
  process following the xml namespace parse may of course dereference
  the name as a URI if it cares to do so)

* XML schema (and dtd and other such syntactic definition languages)
  are not for "describing the syntactic properties of a namespace"
  they are for describing the grammar and datatypes of a language that
  may use elements from one or more namespaces (or from no namespace).
  For example there are several schema using elements from the XHTML
  namespace, but
  <foobar xmlns=""/>
  is a well formed XML document that conforms to the namespace spec.
  The namespace of the element is the namespace used for XHTML.
  Of course the document doesn't validate against any of the current
  schema but it may validate against a future one and whether or not
  it does is irrelevant to a namespace aware parser (as used for
  SAX2, or xslt or xpath, etc). Schema validation sits above namespace
  parsing, it is not an integral part of it.

  All namespaces have identical structure (which is why they don't
  need to be defined anywhere) they have one property (a name, which
  happens to have URI syntax, although that isn't used by a namespace
  parser) and the consist of the countably infinite set of (expanded)
  names which consist of the pair, with namespace name being the
  name in question, and local name being any NCName.
  So foobar above _is_ in the namespace loosely refered to as the
  "xhtml" namespace, and will be reported as such by sax2, by XSLT
  etc. Every namespace has exactly the same set of local names. 
  The existence of a schema (or in the case of xhtml, several schema)
  using elements from the namespace does not alter the namespace at all.

* Users can choose a unique namespace name for namespaces they want to
  use without requiring a central registry, or owning an internet
  domain name.

* Exiting namespace names which are absolute URI possibly with
  fragment id remain valid. (and don't require any particular
  format of file to be placed at the URI)

* Namespace parsing never requires the retrieval of any external

It is not that no other concept has valid uses, but if (at least) the
above are not preserved then there is no point on calling whatever is
planned "xml namespaces" and no point in the new system taking over
the existing xmlns= and xmlns:foo= namespace syntax. If it is
different, call it something different.


Received on Sunday, 4 June 2000 19:39:28 UTC