Re: stepping backward

--- "Simon St.Laurent" <> wrote:
> Maybe it's time to revert to prefix-only (XML 1.0 without namespaces)
> processing, though that obviously has its own severe limitations.

Given that as soon as namespace URIs are seen to point to real
resources, they are likely to be trademarked (the analog is the gold
rush for domain names), that would probably the wisest course, at least
for IP owners with significant quantities of archivable content.

> It is, however, permitted by the XML 1.0 spec, at least in its
> current incarnation.

Presumably, since it would be "immoral" (in John Cowan's useful
formulation) to break existing documents, no future incarnation of XML
will require namespace qualified names?


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Received on Friday, 2 June 2000 13:40:25 UTC